Thursday, December 31, 2009

House Update: December 30, 2009

It is Wednesday night and we are back at the house to finish up the kitchen floor. When Myron pulled the stove out, we found what we believe is the original floor pattern and cabinet color. All the colors made sense once we saw it all together like this.

Myron went straight to scraping. This little bit was much tougher to get up than the previous night's work. All the spots are where the wood either peeled up or Myron gouged up the floor with the scraper. He was trying to be careful but he had to use a bit of force to get underneath a flooring that has been down for 50 years. But we got it done.

Now, on to the carpet in the rest of the house. We should be able to get that done over the long weekend ... oh, after we go to the house in NC and clean the fish tank out. We have reason to believe the fish died during the 2009 snow storm that went through the weekend before Christmas. We found out our house was without power for at least 4 days. Myron does not believe the fish could have survived such cold temperatures without heat. It will be very sad if they did not make it.

1 comment:

Tonya Roberts said...

Wow! lookin' good you guys! I can't wait to see the next wave of projects! You guys are so seriously the weekend warriors now for sure!!!!