Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010

I awoke at 4 a.m. and realized I had not heard Butterscotch at all during the night. Then I laid there anticipating him waking up.
Myron's alarm went off at 6, and we still hadn't heard him. Finally, I got up and went to check on him. He was just sitting in his crate waiting for us ... so sweet. At least I got to spend some alone time with him. Every time I get him, one of the girls comes over to play with him. I guess I will have to get my time in the mornings.
I think we are all enjoying having a new addition to our family.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I am JUST now getting caught up on all of this! Congrats on your new addition!!! He's SOOOO adorable!!! Have patience with your potty training. It took several months before I felt like Oscar was 100%. Such fun times! Take lots of pictures!!!!